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Way of the Dodo by Brian Gott

News Archives
April-June, 2006

April 30, 2006


I told you I'd return!
    Hey, Remember back at the beginning of 2005, when I naively proclaimed it to be "The year of the Dodo?" Yeah, that worked out really well.
    So I'm not going to bother this time with making grand pronouncements and predictions about the future of Dodo. You & I both know better.
    I'm just going to draw a few comics, 'K? I'll update as often as possible, for as long as I can scrape together the time to draw them. I might disappear for a while here and there, depending on what happens. I might do five a week for a bit, and then three a week for a bit, and then five again. And we'll just see what happens.


This is something I really should have mentioned back when it came out last summer. I was so excited about it at the time, but somehow it never occurred to me to actually mention it on the site!
    Alan Grihault is an English-born author living in Mauritius, who has written a new (well, new-ish by now, anyway) book about our favorite bird. Dodo: The Bird Behind the Legend is an interesting look at the history of human explorers' contacts with the dodo. It covers their observations of the bird, various speculations about how it lived, and dodo appearances over time in art and fiction. (And yes, even a certain comic strip!)
    I highly recommend it. ('Course, it could be argued that the initial thrill of seeing a couple early Way of the Dodos has biased me just a touch.) Anyway, you can find it here or here if you're interested. (I wasn't able to find it on Amazon in the States. Eh, there's a reason why they call it the World Wide Web!)

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Copyright © 2003-2008 Brian Gott. Read it, dig it, but don't redistribute it!
There is no intended resemblance between anything in the comic and anyone or anything outside the comic.

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